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Slide&Fingerstyle Ukulele

Slide&Fingerstyle Ukulele

di Dario Bellaveglia (Autore)

This book is an introduction to slide techniques for fingerstyle ukulele players. These techniques, suitable for acoustic blues and other musical genres, will stimulate the reader's creativity. It is a practical method thought for expert musicians, who already know some standard fingerstyle and fingerpicking techniques. In Chapter 1 we will start with some exercises for basic slide techinques, then we'll learn to play the melodies of two songs in standard tuning (G - C - E - A). In Chapter 2 We will focus on fingerstyle arrangements and original compositions played with slide techniques in open tunings with Low G fourth string. First I introduce the Open G and Open Am tunings, then we'll approach the study of a blues in G with ground bass thumb technique and three other songs with alternate bass technique. The AUDIO FILES of all the exercises and songs are available following a link inside the book.

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