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Programming ASP.NET

Programming ASP.NET

di Nino Paiotta (Autore)

This text explains in detail how to create interactive web pages in ASP.NET, it is explained how to begin to create a new web site, presenting and then explaining the development environment, how to insert and use the components used components, such as simple Label, text boxes, buttons, insert images, create a site with a master page, to present data from a database and display them in a grid format.
All subjects are treated with the utmost clarity, with examples and images in order to simplify as much as possible learning.
The code used in this text is the VB, while the 2008 version of the examples is ASP.NET.
N.B. The programming language applied to the examples and explanations is the VB, VB code which is not explained in this text as it is assumed that those who purchase this text has already been a VB programmer, or have a little experience in this language.

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